Lost Ones
This installation explores the
Lost Ones’ endless searching as an echo of our own endless routines.
The scene is reiterated through 3 interpretations of The Lost Ones.
Each interpretation expands outward from the center of the installation,
eventually including the visitor as yet another Lost One within
the cylinder.
The installation will consist
of 3 concentric interpretations of The Lost Ones: cyberspace on
a monitor, surrounded by a model in realspace, surrounded by the
suggestive or implied space that visitors walk into.
Recorded voices will whisper phrases from Beckett’s text, including,
"For the passion to search is such that no place may be left unsearched",
which will be recorded in several languages.The inner most world
will be an animated VRML world (3d cyberspace) displayed on a monitor.
The monitor will be facing up, in the center of a model of Beckett’s
cylinder with 200 Lost Ones (sculpted figures) within it. This cylinder
model will be centered within a cylindrical, walk-in space with
VRML scenes projected on the installation walls.
Cross section
of the installation:
> walk-in cylinder (outer cylinder).
> model of Beckett's cylinder (inner cylinder without the figures).
> monitor beneath the raised floor of the inner cylinder.